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FLIP Your Learning Style or Your Classroom

The engaging power of Explain Everything comes from the ability to interact with every object. Whether it’s a video, drawing, text, or web browser it can be moved, rotated, and scaled. When recording all these interactions are recorded as well giving you the ability to create exciting, animated projects.

ShowMe is an open learning community you can learn or teach anything. Over 2 million lessons have been created using the ShowMe Interactive Whiteboard iPad app, ranging from algebra to calculus to cooking. There are millions of great teachers out there; ShowMe empowers them to share their knowledge and teach the world.

Educreations is an exciting app that transforms your iPad into a recordable whiteboard. It records your voice, handwriting and also allows you to insert pictures to produce your own personal video lessons that you and your students can share online. Your lessons are stored online and can be accessed by students on any computer or iPad.

It is easy to use, so it makes a great tool for assessing student knowledge. Putting this app in the hands of your second language learners will give assessment a whole new meaning. Students can create projects that apply to every level of Bloom's Taxonomy verbally and through illustrations.

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